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Head of Sudan’s military says RSF militants must put down weapons

The head of Sudan’s military told the United Nations General Assembly Thursday that the militias fighting in his country must put down their weapons and stop fighting.
Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan’s address came as new fighting rocked Sudan’s capital with airstrikes and drone attacks in and around Khartoum amid a worsening cholera outbreak, officials said.
For months, some of the worst fighting has been in the city of El Fasher, the capital of the North Darfur state. RSF forces have laid siege to the city since May.
“The Dagalo family has been violating all laws and all international obligations with impunity,” Burhan said. “The family refuses to comply with the Juba declaration and rejects U.N. Security Council resolutions.”
Sudan’s military launched an early morning operation aimed at taking control of areas in the capital that had been in the hands of its enemy, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.
Sudanese media reported increased military movements and airstrikes in the districts of Khartoum and Omdurman, the heaviest in the capital area in months.
